Are you one of those people who would like to learn Java but aren’t sure where to start? The Internet offers a lot of information on any subject – multiple pages and blogs provide so much information that you can end up more confused than ever and decide to give up.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you a few starting points for learning Java programming language.

1. Learning Java Basics

The very first step would be familiarizing yourself with the basics of Java programming language.

When it comes to learning, there aren’t unique steps that will work for every individual. We’re all different, and our learning methods differ as well. Therefore, some of us like to learn through books, while others prefer video content or one-on-one sessions with a tutor.

It’s important to stick with the information related to Java. So, there is no HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or any other language. It’ll only cause confusion.

1.2. Enroling Video Course

Courses with video content are indeed a great choice for learning a programming language. Writing code while simultaneously explaining it allows for a better understanding of what’s being written.

When learning through video content, it’s important to remember that simply watching videos isn’t enough. Programming is a skill acquired through writing and experimenting with code. Would you rather choose a surgeon who has experience performing surgeries or one who has only watched others perform surgeries?

Some material may seem simple to you while watching, but when you start writing code, you’ll see that it’s not so straightforward. By writing code, you’ll learn to use Java syntax. The more code you write, the faster you’ll become proficient and better at it. Once you’ve learned the syntax, when solving problems, you won’t have to think about how to, for example, create a method; you’ll be able to focus solely on the solution.

Like any other form of learning, watching video content will help you understand the material. Only after you understand how Java works can you focus on applying the knowledge you’ve gained in practice.

Below you can find several courses on Java that are great for beginners:

1.2. Books

Books and courses with textual content are excellent choices for learning programming languages. When you watch video content, the speaker can’t convey as much information to you as a book or textual content can. You can get more information by reading text than by watching a video.

Here are some books that can help you learn the Java programming language:

1.3. Tutoring

Instructions can be another great choice when starting to learn programming. An instructor can introduce you to programming, explain the basics in just a few hours, give you exercises to practice, and be there if you get stuck.

One advantage of choosing instructions over other learning methods is that you can always ask the instructor for additional clarification on certain parts of the material. This isn’t possible with other forms of learning.

Moreover, you can combine instructions with learning through video content or reading books. For example, if you’ve chosen a book as your primary learning resource, you can ask the instructor for additional exercises or explanations for specific topics.

If you want to schedule instructions with me, click here.

2. Deciding What You Want to Accomplish

With Java, you can build different types of applications. After you learn Java basics, you should decide which type of application you want to build. Do you want to create web, mobile, or desktop applications? Your next course of action depends on your decision.

2.1. Web Applications

Many Java developers build web applications, and I’m one of them. Web applications act like a web site but with more complex background logic and data processing.

Now, you can build web applications using plain Java, which is known as Java EE. If you don’t want to depend on any framework, then this would be a great option for you.

However, nowadays, most developers build applications using a framework. A framework is a code that acts as a skeleton for our application. It offers many functionalities that can ease the development process. In addition, frameworks are created as reusable code and come with predefined classes, so we don’t need to create everything from scratch.

The most popular web frameworks are:

You would need to pick one and focus on learning about the functionalities it offers. Spring is the most popular web framework for Java and Kotlin, so we suggest you start with it.

2.2. Mobile Applications

If you want to build mobile applications, you will need to use Java ME (Micro Edition), which is specially designed for mobile applications. In addition, you’ll need to learn how to create a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

You can use Andriod Studio to build mobile applications.

2.3. Desktop Applications

Lastly, you can create standalone (desktop) applications.

The most popular frameworks for building desktop applications:

Furthermore, you can create desktop applications using plain Java and components from the awt package.

3. Final Thoughts

Before you embark on learning a new programming language, you should bear in mind that the journey into programming isn’t easy – but it’s fun. The problems you encounter don’t have to be frustrating. You can view them as challenges – it’s okay if it takes a little longer for the material to “click” into place.

However, you’ll experience only great things through your journey. You’ll feel happiness and satisfaction when you build something from scratch. After a while, you’ll be proud when you look back on your development process.

Lastly, it’s okay if you can’t find a solution to a problem right away. It’s all part of the learning process.

By Ana Peterlić

Ana is a Java Software Engineer with over 6 years of experience in designing and developing software solutions. She loves tutoring and helping others understand Java ecosystem.

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