Java E-Book

Diving Into the Java Ocean

Handbook for Java beginners; Deep dive into the Java ocean; don’t just wet your toe.

Learn Java basics through my new Java e-book, specially designed for Java beginners. It has been updated with new Java 22 features.

Language: English

Price:  20€

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You’ll Learn

#1 Meet Java

  • The Interview with Java
  • How Can I Work with Java?
  • Key Java Features
  • Hello World Example
  • Understanding Basics

#2 Class Structure

  • Classes in Java
  • Primitive Data Types
  • Putting Things in Action
  • One Method to Rule Them All
  • Writing in the Standard Output
  • Class Members – Methods Class
  • Members – Variables

#3 Operators

  • Order of Operator Precedence
  • Unary Operators
  • Binary Operators
  • Ternary Operator

#4 Objects

  • Constructor
  • Reading from the Console
  • Reference Data Types
  • Joining the Choir Eternal

#5 Java API

  • The Mother Goose
  • Unleash the Power of String
  • The Math Class

#6 OOP Concepts

  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Abstraction
  • Polymorphism

#7 Control Flows

  • The If Statement
  • The Else Statement
  • The Switch-Case Statement
  • The For Loop
  • The While Loop
  • The Do-While Loop
  • Breaking Free

#8 Arrays

  • Understanding an Array

#9 Generics

  • Generic Classes
  • Generic Interfaces
  • Generic Methods
  • Formal Type – Bounds
  • Wildcards

#10 Exceptions

  • Some Serious Math
  • Gracefully Handle Spills in Your Code
  • Custom Exceptions
  • Sometimes, Life Throws You a Decaf
  • The Superhero Trio for Exception Handling
  • The Closer Look

#11 Collections

  • Pokémon Cards
  • Primitive Type Burito
  • The Collection Interface
  • The List Interface
  • The Set Interface
  • The Queue Interface
  • The Map Interface
  • Collections – Comparison
  • Sorting Collections

#12 Advanced Data Structures

  • Enums
  • Sealed Classes
  • Records

#13 Nested Classes

  • Inner Class
  • Static Nested Class
  • Local Class
  • Anonymous Class

#14 Lambda Expressions

  • Anonymous Class to Lambda Expression
  • Functional Interfaces

#15 Working with Files

  • File System
  • The File Class
  • Writing in Text File
  • Reading from Text File
  • Writing in Binary File
  • Reading from Binary File
  • Searching Files with FileVisitor